by JM Whitney | Nov 24, 2020 | Commercial, Insurance, Personal, Real Estate
There is no better way to beat the blues than forcing your brain to flip the switch into gratitude-mode. It’s impossible to feel negativity and gratefulness at the same moment, so choose grateful, if just for a minute. Thanksgiving is here, and no matter what religion...
by JM Whitney | Sep 30, 2020 | Commercial, Insurance, Personal
If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that a tree with strong roots is important when the wind starts blowing. And the wind feels maddeningly strong as ever at moments for even the oldest and most established trees. Do the young trees even stand a chance, you might...
by JM Whitney | Feb 14, 2020 | Commercial, Insurance, Personal, Uncategorized
Show Love This Season Having the best interest of your loved ones at heart is what planning for the future it all about. We know life loves to throw unexpected curveballs, and the best thing to do today is bank that change will happen and make your plans to steer...