It’s Summer 2020, and businesses are continuing to (hopefully safely) open in Massachusetts. What are some of our state’s largest and most forward-thinking businesses doing to “stay ahead” of the seeming pull of this virus on our state of operations? 

While mind-set is a cheesy answer, having a flexible approach is key right now. 

Decisions, decisions

Keeping Employees | Embracing Remote Work

To keep or not to keep is one of the toughest decisions any employer can possibly make. What we’ve heard is that businesses are betting on keeping their most high-value and long-term employees, if at least remotely. ACcepting and embracing the positives of remote workers will be key to adapting into a more virtual world than ever. 

Promoting Strong Mental Health

Many top businesses are doing frequent meetings but making them “all hands on deck” and more inclusive-feeling than ever. Communication is the #1 thing to reduce anxious thoughts for your employees. Simply keeping them informed along the way will reassure them we are indeed all in this together. 

Learning Programs and Continued Education

As if there wasn’t already a popular pull towards online classes and learning platforms, now is the online-learning platform’s time to shine, and help you in the process! You and your employees can easily complete continued education modules through formal learning institutions like a university or LinkedIn’s learning platform. There are also informal options available too like podcasts put our by industry organizations, online webinars/zoom sessions and more. If you can dream it, it’s probably available online at this point. 

In conclusion, 

There are many ways businesses are flexing into this new norm and adapting to a COVID-19 and virtual workplace. What are your favorite ways to stay up to date, and have those ways changed since going remote/virtual? What do your employees prefer? 

Let us know on our social pages! 

Please let us know how we can best serve you in your personal or business insurance needs or have any questions related to your business’ activity.

J.M. Whitney Insurance and Co. is an independent insurance agency located in Watertown, Massachusetts. Give us a call, stop by, or request a quote online to find out how much we can save you on your insurance needs.

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